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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i have said that...

what what ??? what the.. ish.. hee
nothing to said, nothing to lose...
haa cite pasal lose ney, pintu bilik aku nyer pemulas tu, da 'lus' da, da 'lose' hee siap tercabut lagi. kuang hajo tol. office lak tak datang2 lak repair. da 2 kali hamba membuat report kat office Bi...tuuutttt.. takleh cakap office mane. haha 2 kali kot, 2 kali hamba membuat report pabila kunci pintu bilik hamba rosak, then masih lagi tak datang. ceh. ku harapkan tiada lagi masalah timbul berkenaan dengan benda ney!
then, bangun awal memang best. se bestnyer makan nasik berlaukkan ayam + air sirap bandung yang orang blanjer! hee serius beb! hamba tak tipu.

2 3 hari ney, manythings that i need and have to do! lots of things including reading lots of books! but, unfortunately, i feel that i dont heave enough time! why why ? haha its because of your time management bro. susun jadual tu leklok. haa pasal jadual ney, i have done lots of jadual bro. banyak giler bro! bro gile haha tapi yang menjadi masalahnye adalah.... tidak membuat apa yang dirancang! this is bad bro(cara sebutan amir maHaRajaLawak hehe) so,,,,,

hell is paved with good intentions!

go to the hell haha joking2... so, Do Not think of good Intentions, else you wanna do its! but.. having bad intention also not go!
behave bro! sawadikap =)


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